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AB1004P - Brand new AS-PL Alternator brush set

Brand new AS-PL Alternator brush set
Brand new AS-PL Alternator brush set
NZ$ 5.08 including GST
NZ$ 4.42 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:
Height (H.1)22 mm
Length (L.1)64.5 mm
OEM ProductNo
Product LinePremium Line
Product TypeBrand new
Thickness (T.1)4.9 mm
Unit TypeDELCO
VoltageDec-24 V
Width (W.1)6 mm
1105166 19010159 1105167 19010157 1105169 1117949 19010158 1100151 1105162 19010155 1100150 1105163 19010156 1100153 1105164 19010153 1105165 19010154 1117944 1117942 1117948 1117947 1117946 1117945 1117940 1100159 1100158 19010168 1100140 19010166 1100141 1117933 19010162 1117932 19010163 1117931 19010160 19010161 1117937 1117936 1117934 1100145 1117929 1117928 1117927 19010178 19010176 1117922 19010173 1117921 19010174 1117920 19010171 1117926 1117925 1117924 1103196 1117919 1117918 1117917 1117916 1103079 1103078 1117911 19010185 19010182 1103071 1117915 1117914 19010181 1117913 1117912 1100127 1102491 1103101 19010193 1102936 1102937 1102499 1103104 1102498 1102932 1102930 1105645 1102481 1105074 1102485 1102483 1105070 1105072 1105073 1102925 1102926 1102929 1102927 1102928 1102921 1102922 1102920 1105514 1105068 1100171 1105069 1100170 1102471 1102472 1105066 1117966 1117964 1117963 1117962 1117961 1102477 1105177 1105178 1117839 1105173 1105174 1105175 1105176 1117955 1105170 1117954 1105171 1117953 1105172 1117952 1117959 1117958 1117956 1117951 1105619 1117950 1103141 1103145 1103144 1103143 1100559 AB1004P 1103149 1100550 1103148 1103147 1103130 1101192 1103133 1103131 1117899 10480058 1117898 1117897 1117892 1100547 1117891 1117890 1117896 1117895 1117894 1103138 1105559 1103135 1105434 1103139 1105558 1105420 1105422 1117887 1117886 1117880 1117885 1103127 1103126 1103125 1105429 1103124 1105423 1105424 1103128 19010100 1105098 1103116 1102940 19020382 19010108 1103118 19010115 1103184 1103183 1117905 19010114 19010111 1103188 1103187 1117900 1103060 1117904 1117903 19020391 1103069 1101203 19010118 1103174 19010126 1103173 19010127 1103172 19010124 1103171 19010120 1103054 1103175 19010129 19010137 1103162 19010138 1105586 1103160 19010136 1103166 19010134 1103165 1100573 1103152 1105573 1103151 1105574 19010147 1103035 19010145 1103154 19010141 1100201 1103158