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SG6017S - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor outer gear

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor outer gear
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor outer gear
NZ$ 5.59 including GST
NZ$ 4.86 excluding GST
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S6183 S6133 S6221S S6170 1280002680 2280009872 4280001590 4280002140 1280002682 1280005680 1280005681 1280005682 1280006340 1280006341 1280006420 1280006422 1280006720 1280006721 1280007400 1280008530 1280008531 1280008890 1280009220 1280009470 2280000460 2280000551 2280000940 2280000941 2280001550 2280002010 2280002900 2280004020 2280004030 2280004031 2280004032 2280004033 2280004171 2280005400 2280005590 2280005750 2280005910 2280005960 2280006120 2280006121 2280006122 2280006620 2280006680 2280006740 2280006741 2280006742 2280006743 2280006750 2280006760 2280007090 2280007210 2280007583 2280007593 2280008090 2280008360 2280009641 4280000010 4280000320 4280000321 4280000860 4280001160

28100-22100 428000-3950 4280003950 4280003951 2810022100 428000-3951

Height (H.1)23.8 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)51.3 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.2)55.7 mm
No./Teeth43 qty
OEM ProductNo
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)61.3 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)63.1 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
TypeOuter Gear
Unit TypeDENSO
S6133 2280004171 4280001160 1280005682 1280005681 S6170 1280005680 2280008090 2280006750 2280007090 4280000321 1280006721 1280006720 2280005590 1280002680 1280002682 4280002140 4280000320 1280008890 1280009220 2280000460 2280001550 1280008530 2280005910 1280008531 1280007400 2280009872 2280000941 2280006120 2280006680 2280004020 2280006122 2280006760 2280000940 2280006121 2280007210 2280005750 SG6017S 4280000010 1280009470 2280002010 2280007583 2280009641 2280004030 2280004031 2280004032 2280004033 2280005960 2280000551 2280005400 4280000860 S6183 2280008360 4280001590 1280006422 1280006420 1280006341 1280006340 2280006743 S6221S 2280002900 2280007593 2280006740 2280006742 2280006620 2280006741