or four payments of $3.55
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Associated Numbers
2541154 A11VI28 2929510 2937390 2938680 2541400 2565995 2541602F 2960250 2937130 2541130 2960000 2960120 2565994 2927550 2541131 2927120 2950281 2541290 2927750 2950700 2541139 2541602A 2940377 2939210 2940130 2541264 2950500Specifications
Height (H.1) | 8 mm |
Height (H.2) | 8 mm |
Height of Slipring (Hc.) | 23 mm |
Inside Diameter (I.D.1) | 17 mm |
OEM Product | No |
Outside Diameter (O.D.1) | 32 mm |
Product Line | Standard Line |
Product Type | Brand new |
Unit Type | VALEO |
Reference Information
SRG0517 131818 SSL15104.0 SLR39113 CQ1070020 1.2023.0 CSL15104AS 28579401BN UD18319ASL 81116220Video/Publications
2960000 2940130 2960120 2541139 2541154 2927750 2929510 2541130 2927550 2541131 2541290 2937390 ASL9063S 2940377 2939210 2541602F 2541602A 2938680 2960250 2937130 2541400 2565994 2950700 2565995 2541264 2950500 2950281 2927120 A11VI28View your shopping basket or Browse other items in Slip Ring.