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ASL9033 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator slip ring

Brand new AS-PL Alternator slip ring
Brand new AS-PL Alternator slip ring
NZ$ 7.81 including GST
NZ$ 6.79 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
This item can be backordered, A B/O fee is applied at checkout - Aprox 7-14 day delay on delivery. **B/O products are not returnable**
Purchase Qty:
1002111231 8941725860 1002111620 1002117060 1002117430 1002111170 1002111010 1002113130 1002111040 1002111060 1002117061 1002113530 1002112102 1002117130 1002113580 1002113101 1002113240 1002113100 1002111061 1002114410 1002114400 8941313572 1002114290 1002111000 1002111140 1002111011 1002113140 1002112040 1002130451 1002111021 1002112011 1002111001 1002111171 1012112370 1002117450 1002111381 1002112021 1002111271 1002111141 1002113150 1002130710 1002111081 1002113141 1002112450 1002111550 1002113401 2541613 A11VI31 1002112480 1002113760 1002113050 1002112500 1002111201 1002112010 1002111560 1002114170 1002113040 1002111041 1002111230 1002113060 1002113860 1002113221 1002112140 1002112370 1002113850 1002113070 1002114002 1002111600 1002111601 1002111080 1002112410 1002119710 1002112170 1002113220 1002114280 1002116860 1002113091 1002114001 1012110840 1002113610 1002114004 1002114000 8944299991 8944086740 8944299990 1002131260 1002113090 1002114003 1002117000 1002114070 1002112280 1002112130 1002112380 1002111410 1002130745 1002111411 1002132220 1002111200 1002111280
Height (H.1)9 mm
Height (H.2)9.6 mm
Height of Slipring (Hc.)23.4 mm
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)8.8 mm
OEM ProductNo
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)15 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Space between Copper Rings (J.1)1.4 mm
Unit TypeDENSO
1002119710 1002112480 1002113050 1002117130 1002111271 1002114410 1002130745 A11VI31 1002113040 8944299990 1002111141 1002111021 1012112370 1002111381 1002111140 1002117000 8941313572 1002112102 1002111410 1002114400 1002111011 1002114004 1002114003 1002112500 1002111411 1002113150 1002114002 1002111010 1002114001 1002114000 1002111000 1002111001 1002113140 1002111080 1002111081 1002112170 8944086740 1002112450 1002113141 1002117061 1002117060 1002114070 ASL9033 8941725860 1002111231 1002113530 1012110840 1002112040 1002112280 1002117450 2541613 1002111230 1002113130 1002113091 1002113090 1002113401 1002111620 1002111060 1002111061 1002113760 1002113240 1002114170 1002114290 1002130710 1002111170 1002112380 1002111171 1002116860 1002112021 1002117430 1002112140 1002131260 1002113070 1002114280 1002132220 1002112410 1002111200 1002111201 1002113101 1002113860 1002111600 1002111601 8944299991 1002113580 1002111280 1002112370 1002113060 1002113100 1002112010 1002113221 1002112011 1002111560 1002113220 1002111040 1002111041 1002112130 1002130451 1002113610 1002111550 1002113850