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ARS4003 - Brand new AS-PL Screw

Brand new AS-PL Screw
Brand new AS-PL Screw
NZ$ 1.01 including GST
NZ$ 0.88 excluding GST
No stock in NZ
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Purchase Qty:
A4003 A4034 A4043 A4048 A4058 63320219 63321826 63321859 63377007 63377491 63321234 A4111 63341896 A4061 A6077 63377027 A4021 63321746 A6203 63321600 1022118070 63321823 63321603 63321233 063321604010 1022118280 1022118071 63321836 63321640 63321612 A4017 MC02358 MC02925 A4035 63321679 A4068 1012100921 A4005 63321244 A4016 63321302 63321729 A6109 1022118560 A6067 1012100891 A4103 63377462 A4062 63321658 A4089 1022118355 A4028 A4074 1012101120 A4070(P) 63377424 A4072 A4082 1012100160 A4083 1012101080
Countersink depth (k.1)1.5 mm
Diameter (D.1)10.8 mm
Length (b.1)18.4 mm
Length (L.1)33.1 mm
OEM ProductNo
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Thread size & pitch (d.)M5x0.8 mm
63321244 63321640 A4043 A6067 A4034(P) 63321233 63321234 63321872 63321356 4M5T10300LC A6203 A4028 1012101120 A4034 A4035 63377465 63321746 63321626 63341896 1022118400 1012101080 63377462 A4058 1012100870 1012101720 A4068 A6124 A4061 1022118570 A4062 63321658 1022118730 1022118355 A6109 1012100921 A6386S A4048 A6228 1022118071 1022118070 A6106 1012100891 MC02925 A6074 A4052 A6077 063321604010 63377007 63377008 1012101700 1012101670 A4089 63377491 A4083 A4085 63321836 63321715 A4082 63321679 63321833 A6130S 63321671 A4131S A4103 MC02358 A4111 A4112 A4072 1022118560 A4074 A4075 63321823 63377027 A6370 A6095 63321826 63321302 63320219 63377424 ARS4003 1022118280 A4016 A4017 A4021 A4022 1012100160 1012101090 63321615 63321859 A4070(P) 63321612 A4007 A4003 A4005 63321729 A4095 A9022 1012101381 63321603 A4090 63321600