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ARC0019 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier

Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
Brand new AS-PL Alternator rectifier
NZ$ 53.33 including GST
NZ$ 46.37 excluding GST

or four payments of $13.33 with
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0120469028 0120469029 0120469034 0120469035 0120469600 0120469604 0120469631 0120469632 0120469633 0120469635 0120469636 0120469637 0120469638 0120469671 0120469672 0120469696 0120469697 0120469698 0120469699 0120469700 0120469701 0120469702 0120469708 0120469712 0120469715 0120469716 0120469720 0120469847 0120469848 0120469858 0120469859 0120469860 0120469860/875 0120469860/892 0120469861 0120469875 0120469892 0120469893 0120469936 0120469937 0120469938 0120469939 0120469940 0120469979 0120469980 0120469981 0123110006 0123340006 0123340007 0986032730 0986033160 0986034130 0986034150 0986034160 0986035700 0986035710 0986035720 0986036780 9120690253
B+ Stud Diameter & Thread Pitch (B+d)M8X1.25 mm
B+ Thread Length (B+H)32 mm
Diode Amp Rating35 A
Diodes (Main)8 qty
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)36.5 mm
Mount Distance (C-C)65 mm
OEM ProductNo
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)122.9 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Reg/Rec ComboNo
Unit TypeBOSCH
With Attached BracketNo
0986033160 0986034130 0986035700 0120469940 0120469700 0120469029 0120469980 0120469028 0120469860 0120469981 0120469861 0120469859 0120469936 0120469937 0120469938 0120469939 0120469858 0120469979 0120469860/875 0986034160 0986036780 0120469631 0120469632 0120469035 0120469633 0120469875 0120469034 0120469671 0120469672 0120469708 0120469701 0120469702 0123110006 0986034150 9120690253 0120469720 0120469600 0986035720 0986032730 0120469716 0120469635 0120469712 0120469636 0120469637 0120469638 0120469715 0123340006 0123340007 0120469860/892 0120469697 0120469698 0120469699 0120469892 0120469893 0120469696 0986035710 0120469848 ARC0019 0120469604 0120469847