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SD3014 - Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive

Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
Brand new AS-PL Starter motor drive
NZ$ 14.64 including GST
NZ$ 12.73 excluding GST
Purchase Qty:
S3010 S3009 S3011 S3030 S3054 S3060 S3087 432593 432623 432631 432633 432636 432638 432670 433321 436062 436079 436090 438029 438089 438092 438111 438145 438207 455512 455551 455693 455937 455958 455961 455975 458163 D6RA137 D6RA138 D6RA141 D6RA161 D6RA165 D6RA185 D6RA187 D6RA188 D6RA190 D6RA51 D6RA511 D6RA53 D6RA571 D6RA572 D6RA63 D6RA65 D6RA661 D6RA721 D6RA74 D6RA8 D6RA84 D6RA85 D6RA87 S3010 S3009 S3011 S3030 S3054 S3060 S3087 432593 432623 432631 432633 432636 432638 432670 433321 436062 436079 436090 438029 438089 438092 438111 438145 438207 455512 455551 455693 455937 455958 455961 455975 458163 D6RA137 D6RA138 D6RA141 D6RA161 D6RA165 D6RA185 D6RA187 D6RA188 D6RA190 D6RA51 D6RA511 D6RA53 D6RA571 D6RA572 D6RA63 D6RA65 D6RA661 D6RA721 D6RA74 D6RA8 D6RA84 D6RA85 D6RA87
Inside Diameter (I.D.1)12 mm
Length (L.1)51.4 mm
Length (L.2)15.2 mm
No./Splines5 qty
No./Teeth9 qty
OEM ProductNo
On Sale ItemYes
Outside Diameter (O.D.1)49.4 mm
Outside Diameter (O.D.2)25.4 mm
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Unit TypeVALEO
D6RA165 432633 455551 S3060 432631 432636 D6RA161 D6RA65 432638 D6RA74 438029 D6RA721 438145 438207 S3010 S3054 432623 D6RA190 438092 455937 458163 D6RA63 436079 D6RA511 433321 455975 432593 432670 D6RA187 D6RA141 D6RA185 455693 S3087 D6RA87 S3009 D6RA51 436062 D6RA53 438089 455961 D6RA188 D6RA661 D6RA572 D6RA571 S3030 SD3014 D6RA8 436090 D6RA84 D6RA85 455958 D6RA138 D6RA137 438111 455512