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ARE6090 - Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator

Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator
Brand new AS-PL Alternator regulator
NZ$ 65.14 including GST
NZ$ 56.64 excluding GST

or four payments of $16.29 with
Afterpay Payment Offer Learn More

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1042101320 104210-1320 2706031250 27060-31250 A6400S A6401S 1042104880 1042101461 1042104881 1042102100 1042102350 1042102360 1042105530 104210-5530 1042102650 1042103450 1042103620 1042103650 1042103750 1042103751 1042104030 1042104040 1042104180 270600A110 27D600A120 2706028260 2706028290 270600A130 270600A140 270600H100 270600H110 270600T130 270600V010 270600V030 270600V060 2706020270 2706020280 27060OP240 A6169 A6405S A6422S A6427S A6445S A6454S 1042103431 A6007 1042103660 2770020090 1042102070 1042102071 27060-31081 2706031081 1266003010 #160 1042104070 2706031040 2770020091 1042104850 1042104851 2706026051 2706026050 1042105470 1042105471 1042105472 1042105473 1042105474 2706051010 2706051020 1266004340 2706037081 1042102801 2706028270 1042103980 2706075320 1042103940 1042103941 1042103942 1042104031 1042104032 2706020300 1042104041 2706036060 1042101260 235837 CARGO 1266003000 DENSO 1266003040 1266003390 VRH2005146 MOBILETRON 1123089RS RS IN6300 WAI / TRANSPO UD13584A ASPL UD13585A 104210205 104210347 1042104071 104210420 104210423 1042104471 104210487 2706034010 270600P020 TOYOTA 270600P030 270600P140 270600P141 2706031020 2706031021 2706031061 Denso KRAUF ARN6300AD ARN6300UT Mobiletron Toyota 273600P020 273600P030 273600P180 2736031211 2736031240 2736031250 2736031320 2736031390 2736031520 2736038170 Transpo UTM RN6300A 1042102050 1042102051 1042102060 1042102830 1042102831 1042103470 1042103471 1042104200 1042104201 1042104202 1042104230 1042104680 1042104870 1042104871 1042104920 1042104921 1042105140 PIC Picture ID 80904465 Alternator 12V 130A SC (Hairpin) 100A New J N 23052188 Arrowhead AND6145 1266003230 80904486 Regitar VRH2005146A 1042104470 1042104571 1042104572 1042104573 1042104574 1042103360 1042103361 2706028240 104210-1674 1042101671 1042101672 1042101670 104210-1671 104210-1672 104210-1670 27060-0v090 27060-0v100 27060-0v260 27060-0v270

Check critical notes tab

Circuit TypeB
OEM ProductNo
Plug CodePL_4000
Product LineStandard Line
Product TypeBrand new
Unit TypeDENSO
Voltage12 V
1042104180 1042103051 1042103050 1042105470 1042102360 1042103250 1042104101 1042103650 A6422S A6498S 1042103450 A6454S A6676S 1042102840 A6146 A6142 9664219345 A6328 A6465S 1042102350 1042103880 1042101461 A6008 A6007 A6401S A6445S A6405S 9664219375 1042105290 1042105010 1042104040 A6400S A6317 1042103750 1042103431 1042104880 1042102100 1042104881 ARE6090 A6038 1042103751 A6169 A6168 A6007(P) 1042104030 1042102650 1042103660 A6027 1042103620 A6427S

ARE6171S - Set point 14.2v, Soft start feature, has NO LRC

ARE6039 - Set point 14.2v, Soft start feature, 6 second LRC

ARE6090 - Set point 14.2v, Soft start feature, 4 second LRC

What is LRC?